Code Of Conduct

Code of Conduct

An essential characteristic of an association is the need to abide by a Code of Conduct. SMBiT Professionals Limited (the Association) requires its members and sponsors to subscribe to a set of values and ideals which uphold and advance the honour, dignity and effectiveness of the profession of Information Technology. The Code of Conduct, set out below, is determined and adjusted by the Board of Directors from time to time.

  1. Treat everyone fairly. A member or sponsor will not discriminate against anyone on the grounds of age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, national origin, or member or partnership of another organisation.
  2. Be honest, forthright and impartial in dealings with their fellow members or sponsors and their clients.
  3. Act with professional responsibility and integrity in their dealings with the association, other members and sponsors, clients and employees.
  4. Work competently and diligently for their clients and fellow association members or sponsors.
  5. Be honest in their representations of skills, knowledge, services and products.
  6. Enhance their own professional development, and that of their colleagues and employees.
  7. Endeavour to preserve the integrity, confidentiality and security of the information of others.
  8. Respect the proprietary nature of the information of others.
  9. Endeavour to provide products and services which match the operational and financial needs of their clients.
  10. Advise their client of any potential conflicts of interest between their assignment and legal or other accepted community requirements.
  11. Accept responsibility for their work.
  12. Advise their clients when they believe a proposed project is not in their client's best interest.
  13. Not knowingly mislead a client or potential client as to the suitability of a product or service.
  14. Give opinions which are as far as possible unbiased and objective.
  15. Protect and promote the health and safety of those affected by their work.
  16. Consider and respect people's privacy which might be affected by their work.
  17. Continue to upgrade their knowledge and skills.
  18. Respect, and seek when necessary, the professional opinions of colleagues in their areas of competence.
  19. Not knowingly engage in, or be associated with, dishonest or fraudulent practices.
  20. Not attempt to enhance their own reputation at the expense of another's reputation.
  21. Take appropriate action if they discover a member or sponsor, or a person who could potentially be a member or sponsor, of the association engaging in unethical behaviour.
  22. Respect the integrity of their fellow members or sponsors and assist them to improve and develop their businesses where possible.
  23. Not knowingly poach any fellow members or sponsors clients or employees.
  24. Not criticise any fellow members or sponsors work in the presence of their client.
  25. Make any shortcomings found known to that member or sponsor and assist the member or sponsor, where possible, to correct any such short comings.

For any complaints, question or concerns, please contact us by completing our contact form on the About Us page.

Any member or sponsor found to be in breach of these policies following a review and decision by the Board may lead to suspension or termination of their affiliation with SMBiT Professionals.

I have read and accept the Code of Conduct*